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This Is All Reel

Master Theatrical Demo 
A collection of film and TV highlights. Full segments and reels below. 
Disconnected - The Reveal
This is the moment the whole movie makes sense to us.
Disconnected - The Offer
It's time to make a plan after the characters see what lies ahead.
Disconnected - The Meet
Here is where our main crew all link up for the first time...slightly awkward. 
Disconnected - The Fight
A heated argument between all us main peeps in this heartfelt WB feature. 
Sleepover LA
I'm a quirky twin in this internationally  awarded art/dance narrative short. 
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after you click this link.
Dry Bones - Full Movie!
This short film I did the lead on takes a gritty look at young love.
90210 - Don't Despise
Can't forget that first under-5 role as "boy on phone" in CW's reboot.
The Mentalist - Stunts

I did the stunts for Simon Baker in this CBS first season finale. Splendid!

Eleventh Hour
A co-star role with one of my favorite actors, Rufus Sewell. Thank you CBS.
The Inspectors
I play a hippie-ish college prof teaching media on this CBS soft crime drama.
The Following
I guess I'm first degree Kevin Bacon now! From the FOX show's S3E1.
The Deserter
A British Soldier finds friendship and courage amidst pain in WWI Germany.
The Guest Room 
An early short film lead role as an obedient house slave...or am I. 
Derek & Cameron
A deep conversation from Episode 6 of my online show. Over 3.6M total views!
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